It Is Not Good For Man To Be Alone!

It is not good for man to be alone. 

It occurred to me today that God made this statement before man was alone. 

God created a beautiful garden where man could dwell, a garden that was good and the ground cooperated with him as he cared for it. Remember, there was no curse yet. 

God made sure the garden provided for all of his earthly needs.  He had plenty of food for nourishment.  He was given fresh water to sustain his life, keep him clean and supply him with an endless source of recreation. Put a man near water and his imagination can entertain him for a lifetime.  Why else would waterfront real estate be so highly valued?

God surrounded him by animals of every kind.  I’ve had dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and hamsters and each one of them has filled my life to varying degrees with love, affection, joy, laughter and companionship. Adam had every animal imaginable. I’m quite sure they all loved him. His days would be filled with games, races, frolicking and a never ending number of tricks played on his fellow garden dwellers.  Adam never had a childhood, so it’s easy to believe he must have had a lot of “impish little boy” needing to find expression. 

He lived in a place that was good, surrounded by all things good, and he was good. Sounds pretty good to me.

And if that was not enough, God walked with him in the cool evening breezes. God walked with him, and they chatted. God was his beloved Lord. He was a friend to him. God came into the garden and they hung out together.  Did they laugh together at Adam’s retelling of the game of tag he’d played with the monkeys that afternoon? Did God tell him things like; “The garden is looking good son, you’re doing a fine job of taking care of it.”  In my imagination I hear Adam telling God that he was finally able to skip a stone SEVENTEEN times today.

I have a hard time believing that he thought he was alone.

But God knew something Adam didn’t. He knew that sin was waiting to take Adam captive and enslave him for all generations to come. He knew that sin was going to separate Him from Adam, Adam from the garden, and put a curse upon the land. God knew Adam was going to be alone before Adam even knew what alone was.  And a loving Father who saw what was coming said; “It is not good for man to be alone.”

That same loving God met my greatest need before I even knew what I needed. He saw my need for forgiveness. He saw my need for love, acceptance, approval, encouragement, trust, faith and hope. He saw my need from the garden and He looked ahead and saw His Son hanging on a cross.  Jesus saw me when He looked down from that cross and said; “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”

And He saw you from the cross. He saw you and He looked at you with a love that gave everything. He knew all you would ever do, say, or think and he said; “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”

Once you see Jesus looking at you from the cross, paying for your sin, and offering you forgiveness, you will never be the same. When you look into His eyes and see a Holy and Righteous God looking back at you, you’ll see yourself as you really are and you can’t be that person any longer.

God tells us from Genesis to Revelation that He always has taken care of us, always will take care of us, and He is faithful.  He’s never once let me down, and even in times past when I’ve run out ahead of Him… He was ahead of me, providing for me the whole time.

As I’ve looked at Adam, God has shown me, once again, that He loves me. He knows and provides for my needs before I’m even aware of them. And He tells me in the Bible that I shouldn’t be worried about anything, He’s got it all covered and I can trust Him.

I think I’ll put all my cards on the table, bare my soul and cling to a loving Father that has done all that was needed to put away the sin that had separated us. A loving Father that will always be there for me… because it is not good for man to be alone.





2 comments on “It Is Not Good For Man To Be Alone!

  1. Vicky Buss says:

    Beautiful story, beautifully told! So happy you are writing again! I’ve missed reading your work!

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